1945 |
August 29th |
Fleet Air Arm Hellcats and one Avenger fly in to Kai Tak from HMS Indomitable to pick up senior Japanese officers for talks on surrender. The Avenger bursts a tyre on landing and another flies in a spare from the carrier. |
August 30th |
Victory Day celebrations. Spitfires of 132 Squadron provide a fly past “in good formation.” |
September 1st |
The Japanese surrender having been accepted, Hong Kong is formally re-occupied and the Union Flag is hoisted by No. 3 Marine Commando. |
September 4th |
Kai Tak is formally handed over to the RAF under command of Wing Commander R.C. Haine. The Royal Navy also establishes its own Fleet Air Arm station (HMS Nabcatcher) on the other side of the airfield to service its carrier-based planes and its Corsairs, which have been brought ashore. Two Thousand six hundred men of 5358 Wing disembark from “The Empress of Australia” with orders to take over Kowloon peninsula. A preliminary survey is made for the proposed airfield and hard standing at Ping Shan. A hutted camp is erected at Kai Tak. |
September 7th |
The first land-based aircraft, a DC3, lands at Kai Tak from Kunming to repatriate British Prisoners of War to India. |
September 15th |
Spitfires of 132 (Bombay) Squadron arrive at Kai Tak from the aircraft carrier HMS Smiter, to assist the Fleet Air Arm Corsairs in anti-piracy patrols. (132 Squadron’s were the first British Spitfires to land in France after the invasion began.) Spitfires of 681 Squadron also start arriving. |
September 27th |
Additional pilots arrive on board the SS Monarch to join anti-piracy patrols. |
December 2nd |
In addition to the aircraft of the Spitfire Squadrons, three Sunderland Flying Boats of 209 Squadron, and DC3s of 219 Squadron are also based at Kai Tak. |
December 17th |
The Air Arm of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps is reformed, with Sven Eric Faber taking over as Honorary Air Commodore from Air Commodore D.F. Landale. Flying training recommences at the Far East Flying Training School. |
1946 |
January 6th |
81 Squadron departs for Malaya. |
April 15th |
132 Squadron is disbanded, the Sunderlands depart for RAF Seletar in Singapore. RAF Kai Tak is down to three Beaufighters and the DC-3’s of 96 Squadron. |
July 18th |
A typhoon destroys five RAF aircraft and two visiting Sunderlands. |
1948 |
December |
The Governor, Sir Alexander William George Herder Grantham, requests through the Secretary of State, that an application be made to his Majesty the King that the title “Royal” be granted to the volunteer forces of the colony. |
1949 |
May 1st |
The Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance is enacted. The Ordinance authorises the Governor to raise and maintain a force of volunteers for the defence of the colony, the force to consist of such units and sub units as the Governor might from time to time determine. The Ordinance provides for the unified command and administration of all the voluntary military units in the colony, through a Commandant and a Force Headquarters established under his control. Three branches are formed – the Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers), the Hong Kong Naval Reserve, and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. Also created is the Hong Kong Women’s Auxiliary Ait Force. |
May 25th |
Squadron Leader M.N. Oxford is appointed Commanding Officer of the HKAAF and HKWAAF. |
Summer |
Concern about a Communist takeover in China leads to arrival of 80 Squadron at Kai Tak with its Mk.24 Spitfires. |
October 29th |
Flight Lieutenant Derek Rake arrives from the United Kingdom, via Singapore, where he is briefed by the Commander-in-Chief, Far East Air Force, to establish a self-sufficient Auxiliary Air Force, modelled on the UK’s Royal Auxiliary Air Force, that could work alongside the RAF, if need be,and which would integrate with the Defence Force and Compulsory Service arrangements that apply in Hong Kong.
(During his service with the HKAAF F/L Rake and his integrated team of RAF and HKAAF personnel uncrate, assemble and bring into service six Austers and eight Harvards, and take over four Spitfires from 28 Squadron.)
December 2nd |
The HKAAF receives its first aircraft, an Auster Mk.5. Registration TW 438 This is the first of fifteen Austers received from the RAF during the next twenty-three years (usually four at any one time). |
1950 |
March |
The first Annual Camp of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force is held at Kai Tak.
Training takes place not only for pilots, navigators, and aircrew, but the entire back-up system has to be provided. This included Air Traffic Control, Maintenance and Ground Staff, Equipment, a Medical Unit, and Control and Reporting Sections. This latter was the largest element, with a strength of forty-eight, mainly HKWAAFs. |
September 22nd |
The first Harvard, reg. FX 493, is received on loan from the RAF. Over the next eleven years a total of eight Harvards serve with the HKAAF, four at any one time. |
October 1st |
Wing Commander A.W. Wood DFC BEM is appointed Commanding Officer. |
October |
A second camp is held, this time at Shek Kong with its pierced steel planking (PSP) runway. |
1951 |
February 28th |
28 Squadron flies its last Spitfire sortie, following which the aircraft are transferred to 80 Squadron, with the exception of those Mk.18s destined for the HKAAF. 28 Squadron is re-equipped with Vampire Mk.9s. |
February 16th |
The HKAAF receives its first Mk.18 Spitfire from 28 Squadron with two more ten days later. A further three are received over the next three months. In total fourteen Spitfires serve with the HKAAF. |
May 1st |
King George VI grants the title ‘Royal’ to what now becomes the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force. This is the first time that a volunteer force is so honoured. |
Replacement Colours for that of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps buried in December 1941 are presented to the Hong Kong Regiment for safe keeping. |
May |
Compulsory Service for British subjects in Hong Kong is introduced under the Compulsory Service Ordinance. |
May |
The Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance, Cap 199 replaces the Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance of 1949 with significant amendments. This ordinance provides that the Force should be composed of volunteers and of persons liable to serve under the provisions of the Compulsive Service Ordinance. It is provided that there be established the Hong Kong Royal Naval Reserve, the Hong Kong Regiment, the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, the Hong Kong Women’s Royal Naval Reserve, the Hong Kong Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps, the Hong Kong Women’s Auxiliary Air Force, and a number of minor units. The Ordinance continues, the unified command and administration of the force through a Commandant and Force Headquarters, but provides in addition that the Commodore Hong Kong, the General Officer Commanding and the Air Officer Commanding are to be the Service Commanders of their respective auxiliary services. |
October |
The second Annual Camp is held at Shek Kong. The hard runway has been constructed. |
December 23rd |
80 Squadron flies its last Spitfire sortie and is re-equipped with Hornets. |
1952 |
March 20th |
The HKAAF inherits the first of Six Mk.24 Spitfires from 80 Squadron. |
1953 |
September 29th |
The RAF celebrates the formal opening of its ‘Operational Readiness Platform’ at Shek Kong with a twelve Vampires formation fly-past. |
October |
Annual Camp is again held at Shek Kong. |
1954 |
May 30th |
The Governor’s Parade to celebrate the Queen’s birthday and, coincidentally, the Centenary of the Volunteers, is held in the grounds of the then Hong Kong Cricket Club in Central. “The HKRNVR, immaculate in their white uniforms, were on the north side of the ground, the Hongkong Regiment were in the centre in their business-like jungle green, and on the south side the HKAAF, the Women’s Services, and the ex-volunteers, in civilian clothes.” The parade includes a fly-past by the HKAAF. |
On the centenery of its inception, recognition is given to the founders by the Colonel of the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force, Brigadier Sir Lindsay Ride, in a toast proposed to “The Ninety and Nine”.
This toast becomes a tradition at all Mess dinners. It is traditionally proposed by the longest serving member present. |
1955 |
January 1st |
Wing Commander J.E.L.Larsen AFC is appointed Commanding Officer. |
April |
80 Squadron is disbanded |
April 21st |
The HKAAF Spitfires fly for the last time at the Queen’s birthday parade. Five flights take part – four Spitfires, four Harvards and six Austers from the HKAAF, together with twelve Hornets and sixteen Vampires from the RAF. The last Spitfire retained by the HKAAF is a Mk. 24 (VN485). |
December |
The HKAAF is affiliated with No 601 (County of London) Squadron of the RAuxAF. |
1956 |
Part of the old Colours of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps (which had been buried in December 1941) is discovered by workmen excavating a building site in Garden Road. |
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II awards the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force the battle honour “Hong Kong” to be worn on the Queen’s Colours, in honour of the part played by the force in the defence of Hong Kong in 1941. |
August |
28 Squadron’s Vampires are replacement by Venoms. |
October |
Rioting mobs in Kowloon sees the role of the HKAAF change to one of internal security. |
1957 |
Numbers of 28 Squadron are so reduced that it becomes the smallest Front Line Squadron in the RAF. |
June |
Shek Kong is reduced to the role of an emergency field and 28 Squadron moves to Kai Tak. |
December 22nd |
Four Harvards perform their last flypast before being scrapped on 31st December. |
1958 |
Construction starts on a new runway, approximately 3,000 yards long, at Kai Tak, being formed on reclamation from the sea. |
February |
The first helicopters to serve with the HKAAF arrive – two Westland Widgeons. |
March |
The original Colours of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps are paraded by 72 veterans at the Annual Review then laid up at St John’s Cathedral. |
August |
Wing Commander P.O. Scales is appointed Commanding Officer before going on long leave. |
1959 |
January 1st |
Wing Commander P.O. Scales assumes command of the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force. |
October |
For the first time Annual Camp is not tented, accommodation being at Far East Farm. |
1960 |
Abandonment of Compulsory Service is announced by the Governor. |
1961 |
Reorganisation of the RHKDF commences. |
April |
A fortnightly Flying Doctor service to the practically inaccessible villages in the New Territories starts. |
April |
28 Squadron performs its last all-Venom fly-past before being re-equipped with Hawker Hunters. |
May 30th |
On this day the Governor, Sir Robert Black, in a speech given at the Regimental Foundation Day Dinner conferred the additional title “The Volunteers” to the regiment, to acknowledge its descent from earlier units and to mark the end of conscription. It was suggested a Royal Warrant might be needed to make the additional title completely legal. |
1962 |
The Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Headquarters is disbanded & each principal unit established separately, more closely associated with the appropriate regular service. |
May |
28 Squadron is re-equipped with Hawker Hunters. |
June 27th |
28 Squadron carries out its last Venom sortie – a one Venom and two Hunters fly-past. |
August |
Following a bill being moved in the Legislative Council, the post of Commandant is abolished and the Headquarters Unit of the Defence Force disbanded , with the intention of disbanding the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force in due course, and to make the Hong Kong Regiment and the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force separate legal entities. At the time this was frustrated by difficulties over the succession to the “Royal” title. (Note. It was felt in the future new legislation should be enacted to replace the Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance, Cap 199.) |
October 15th |
Wing Commander G.J. Bell OBE AE+clasp is appointed Commanding Officer |
1964 |
September 16th |
Spitfire DWX makes her last journey across the harbour on a heavy ferry of HK Fortress Squadron, Royal Engineers, from RAF Kai Tak to the cenotaph. |
1965 |
A Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force Coat of Arms is approved by Chester Herald. It consists of a four-bladed propeller behind a red winged dragon on a blue ground and with the motto ‘Semper Paratus’, – literally translated from Latin as Always Prepared. |
A Hong Kong Government Register of Military Aircraft is introduced. It consists of the letters HKG followed by a number. e.g. HKG-1. HKAAF aircraft operate under military flying rules with aircrew holding military flying qualifications. |
August 10th |
The first Alouette III is received. |
August 19th |
The last Widgeon flight by the HKAAF is flown. |
1966 |
October 1st |
Wing Commander R.P. Smith OBE AE+clasp is appointed Commanding Officer. |
December 15th |
28 Squadron is disbanded after seventeen years service in Hong Kong. |
1967 |
May 8th |
The Royal Hong Kong Regiment is presented with a Guidon by the Governor, Sir David Trench at the Hong Kong Stadium, where the Colours of the Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps is seen in a ceremonial parade for the last time. |
May 8th |
Two Auster MK.9s are purchased from the army to replace the ageing MK.6s & 7s. |
The Royal Hong Kong Defence Force Ordinance is amended, deleting all reference to the HKRNR, the HKWRNR, and the HKWAAF from the principal Ordinance. The amended Ordinance now provides for the establishment of the Hong Kong Regiment, the Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force, and the Hong Kong Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. |
1968 |
April 1st |
28 (AC) Squadron is reformed as a helicopter unit from a detachment of 103 Squadron and equipped with Westland Whirlwind Mk.10s, and stationed at Kai Tak. |
September 19th |
Air Marshall Sir Rochford Hughes formally hands over the last Spitfire to the HKAAF. “It will serve as a reminder for many years to come of the spirit of the many people of Hong Kong who are prepared to volunteer for exacting and dangerous tasks.” |
1970 |
The Royal Hong Kong Defence Force is disbanded and the Royal Hong Kong Auxiliary Air Force and the Royal Hong Kong Regiment become two separate units, each with its own Ordinance. |
A third Alouette lll is acquired. |